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University of Leon


From its origins at the end of the 80's, to the current degree and master's degree programmes adapted to the EHEA guidelines, the Faculty of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences has been consolidating itself as a reference centre at national level in the university education of Graduates in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences, with a trajectory of more than 30 years accumulating teaching and research experience. With this Centre, the ULe is still the only university in Castilla y León with public ownership, which has official studies in Sports Sciences.

Integrated in the heart of the university campus, the Faculty of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences (FCAFD) has its own infrastructures, which together with the sports facilities and services available on the Vegazana Campus offer an academic environment perfectly equipped and optimal for the development of the Degree in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences and the Master's Degree in Training and Sport Performance.

The FCAFD has its own functional and multi-purpose building that integrates administrative services, classrooms and seminars, library and documentation service, laboratories (biomechanics, exercise physiology,...), computer room, conventional teaching rooms and sports areas (sports hall, multi-purpose room, climbing wall, weight and bodybuilding classroom, gymnastics pavilion, gymnastics pavilion and gymnastics pavilion).

Facultad de Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte

Campus de Vegazana s/n 24007 León

Telf: 987 29 30 00​​

Horario: Lunes a viernes de 7:30h a 20:30h (Instalaciones 8:00h a 20:15h)

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